
Nepozabno doživetje sladko pikantnih kreacij lahko doživiš med 22. 3. in 23. 3. 2024, ko se bo na trgu Leona Štuklja v Mariboru dogajal Mednarodni festival Čili in Čokolada.

V Maribor ponovno prihajajo najboljši ustvarjalci čili in čokoladnih kreacij iz Slovenije in tujine.

Predstavili bodo svoje slastne in pikantne izdelke, ter nas popeljali na posebno pekočo in sladko avanturo, kjer bomo lahko, tako okušali kot tudi soustvarjali.

Izvedeli bomo vse, česar do zdaj še nismo vedeli o čokoladi in čilijih ter zakaj se nasprotja tako močno privlačijo.

V primeru slabega vremena se dogodek prestavi na 05.04 – 06.04.2024


Get ready for a tasty adventure at the International Chili and Chocolate Festival happening on March 22nd to March 23rd, 2024, at Leon Štukelj Square in Maribor.

The best chili and chocolate creators from Slovenia and abroad are coming to Maribor again.

They’ll show off their sweet and spicy goodies, taking us on a fun journey where we can not only taste but also join in the fun of making them.

Learn cool stuff about chocolate and chili that you probably didn’t know before and find out why opposites attract so much.

In case of bad weather, the event will be postponed  to April 5th – April 6th, 2024.

Prijavnica / Registartion

Prosimo vas, da izpolnite podatke, ki jih potrebujemo za vašo prijavo. Prijave so možne do 15.02.2024 oziroma prednostno do zapolnitve mest. O izboru na festival vas obvestimo po zasedanju ČČ organizacijskega odbora. Število mest je omejeno! (polja z zvezdico so obvezna)
Please fill in the information needed for your registration. Registartions are accepted until 15.02.2024 or preferably until all spots are filled. We'll notify you about the selection for the festival after the meeting of the Chili and Chocolate Festival organizational committee. Limited spots available! (Fields marked with * are requiered.)
Za potrebe pošiljanja informacij o razstavljavcih in ponudbi, bomo obveščali medije in v okviru zakupljenih oglasnih prostorih./ For the purpose of sending information about exhibitors and offerings, we will be informing the media within the rented advertising spaces